banner image: sketch of James Catterall by Betsy Miller Hutchinson. Color enhancement by Maya Didriksen.
Below is a listing of James Catterall's published scholarly articles, books, and book chapters grouped by topic. For a full CV, including honors, awards, and civic service, click here.
All publications are not created equal. Those in bold mark particularly interesting or influential publications.
The Arts, Child Development, and Creativity
The Creativity Playbook. A guide to our creativity debates. Los Angeles, CA: I-Group Books. 2015. This new book emphasizes creativity and socio-emotional/identity development. Los Angeles, CA: I-Group Books. 2015.
Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art: A 12-year Longitudinal Study of Arts Education – Effects on the Achievements and Values of Young Adults. Los Angeles, CA: I-Group Books. 2009.
“A Neuroscience of Art and Empathy: Aligning Behavioral and Brain-imaging Evidence.” Chapter in the Creativity Playbook.
"Where are we going? Trajectories for Research on the Arts and Special Education." Chapter in A. Anderson (Ed.). Arts Integration and Special Education. London: Routledge, 2015. 188-194.
"Getting Real About the E in STEM AND STEAM." (2013). The Steam Journal, V1(1) and Chapter in the Creativity Playbook.
"California's Turnaround Schools: The Design Problem." With architect, Frank Gehry. Chapter in the Creativity Playbook.
Catterall, James S. and Peppler, Kylie A. (2007) Learning in the visual arts and the worldviews of young children, Cambridge Journal of Education, 37:4, 543 - 560
“Research on Drama and Theatre in Education.” Mensa Research Journal, 39 (3), 17-22. (Journal Issue on order from the publisher and will be added to the dossier).
“Learning in the visual arts and the worldviews of inner-city children: where efficacy and originality meet. Evaluating the Impact of Arts and Cultural Education.” La Documentation francaise. Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2008. Pp. 273-282.
“Initiation aux arts visuels et vision du monde chez les jeunes enfants: quand confiance en son efficacite’ et originalite’ se rencontrent.” La Documentation francaise. Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2008. Pp. 283-293. With Professor Kylie Aine Peppler, Indiana University, Media Sciences and Learning.) (Journal)
“Enhancing peer conflict resolution skills through drama: an experimental study.” Research in Drama Education 12 (2) June 2007, pp. 163-178. (Journal).
“Unpacking the impact of music on intelligence.” (With Frances Rauscher). Chapter in Neurosciences and Music Pedagogy. W. Gruhn (Ed.). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers (2008). Pp 171-202. (Book)
“Preschool Learning Foundations in the Visual and Performing Arts.” Chapter 7 in California State Preschool Learning Foundations., Volume 2. Sacramento, CA: California State Department of Education. (2009) (Accepted manuscript: Also Volume 1 of this series for introduction to this publication.
“Preschool Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum Framework.” Chapter 7 in California State Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2. Sacramento, CA: California State Department of Education.
“Inside Out’s School Project: A research report measuring the power of a theatre-based program for at-risk junior high students. Teaching Theatre 17/2 (Winter 2006), 3-8.
“Conversation and silence: Transfer of learning through the arts.” Journal for Learning Through the Arts, 1/1, 1-12. Spring 2005.
"The Arts and Education: New Opportunities for Research." Washington, DC: The Arts Education Partnership and the American Educational Research Association, 2005.
“Exploring education innovations that last: an annotated first person narrative turning practice into theory. Chicago Policy Review. (2003)
Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development. Washington DC: National Endowment for the Arts, The Arts Education Partnership. (with Richard Deasy (Ed.) and others, 2002.
Research on drama in education. Chapter in R. Deasy, Ed. Critical Links: The impact of the arts on school academic achievement and social outcomes. Washington, DC: The Arts Education Partnership, The American Educational Research Association (2002)
Arts and the transfer of learning. Chapter in R. Deasy, Ed. Critical Links: The impact of the arts on school academic achievement and social outcomes. Washington, DC: The Arts Education Partnership, The American Educational Research Association (2002)
“Involvement in the arts and human development." With J. Iwanaga and R. Chapleau. Chapter in Edward B. Fiske (Ed.), Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning. The Arts Education Partnership; The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities; The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; and the GE Fund. 1999. (1-18). “The Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education: Summary Evaluation." With Lynn A. Waldorf. Chapter in Edward B. Fiske (Ed.), Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning. The Arts Education Partnership; The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities; The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; and the GE Fund. 1999. (47-62).
“Does experience in the arts boost academic achievement? a response to Eisner.” Art Education, July 1998.
"Involvement in the Arts and Success in Secondary School." Washington D. C.: Americans for the Arts. Monograph Series V. 1, No. 9, January 1998.
“Making Drama Special: Developing Drama Practice to Meet Special Education Needs.” (Review Essay). With Sherry Kerr. Research on Drama and Theatre in Education Vol 1(1). 1996.
“Cognition, Community, and Assessment: Toward Integrated Inquiry on Drama in Education.” Drama and Theater in Education: Contemporary Research, John Somers, Ed., North York, ON, Canada: Captus University Publications, 1996, 147-158.
“Different Ways of Knowing: 1991-94 National Longitudinal Study Final Report. Schools, Communities, and the Arts: A Research Compendium. Tempe, AZ: Morrison Institute of Public Policy and National Endowment for the Arts.
“The Fourth R: The Arts and Learning” (with Jaye T. Darby). Teachers College Record,96(2), 1994.
“Riverside School for the Arts: Curriculum Design and Strategic Planning, 1999.” Riverside CA: College, Riverside County Office of Education.
Educational Engagement and Disengagement; School Dropouts
“Risk and Resilience in Student Transitions to High School.” American Journal of Education , 106/2 (February, 1998), 302-333. (Over its first 11 years, this article ranked as the fifth most cited in the history of the American Journal of Education.)
“School Dropouts: Policy Prospects.” Report for the Policy and Planning Center, Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, United States Department of Education, 1986.
“Dropping Out of School in the North Central Region of the United States: The Dimensions of The Problem Based on Available Evidence,” 1988. Policy Report, North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
“School Completion Indicators for Education Monitoring Systems: The Long Road to Satisfactory School Dropout Statistics. 1988, The Rand Corporation.
“School Dropouts: Here Today, Here Tomorrow.” UCLA Journal of Education, 4(1), spring 1990.
“Standards and School Dropouts: A National Study of Tests Required for High School Graduation.” American Journal of Education, 98(1), November 1989, 1-34.
“A Group Counseling Dropout Prevention Intervention: Some Cautions on Isolating Adolescents Within High Schools.” American Educational Research Journal, 24(4), 1987, 521-540.
Reducing the High School Dropout Rate in California. (With David Stern, Charlotte Alhadeff, and Maureen Ash.) (Berkeley, CA: Institute for Governmental Studies, University of California) 1986 (Research Monograph, 120 pp.).
“The Promise and Prospects of Keeping Students in School.” (With David Stern). Chapter in J. Simon and D. Stipek (Eds.), Exit Age. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991.
“The Educationally At-Risk Children: Demographics, Consequences, and Policy Prospects.” (With E. Cota Robles.) Chapter in Henry M. Levin and Robert Polkinghorn (Eds.), Accelerating the Education of At-Risk Students, 1993, Rockefeller Foundation.
“Tomorrow’s Workforce: Over Credentialled and Underprepared?” Chapter in Can California Be Competitive and Caring? Daniel Mitchell and Jane Wildhorn (Eds.), Monograph and Research Series 49, pp. 181-217. UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations, 1989.
“A Process Model of Dropping Out of School: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice.” The Urban Educator, 8(2), Spring/Summer 1987, 23-38.
“On The Social Costs of Dropping Out of School.” The High School Journal,71 (1), Oct. -Nov. 1987, 19-30.
"The Benefits and Costs of School Dropout Recovery." International Journal of Education Research. Hindawi Publications. 2010.
"Independent Study: Catching Students Before They Fall Too Far." The High School Magazine, 6/3 Nov.-Dec. 1998 (46-47).
Testing and Assessment
“The Kentucky Instructional Results Information System: A Technical Review.” Report commissioned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Legislative Research Commission, January 1998. With William Mehrens, Joseph Ryan, Pamela Rubin, and Geno Flores.
“Where excellence and preparedness meet: Increased course requirements and at-risk students.” (With David E. Moody). The High School Journal, 80/2 (December/January 1997).
“Estimates the Costs and Benefits of Large Scale Assessments: Lessons from Recent Research.” Journal of Educational Finance,16(1), summer 1990, 1-20.
“Competency, Certification, and Authentic Assessments.” (With Lynn Winters.) Chapter in H. J. Walberg and W. Steven Barnett (Eds.), Advances in Educational Productivity/Cost Analysis for Education Decisions: Methods and Examples. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc., 1994.
“A Theoretical Model for Examining the Costs of Testing.” Chapter in Costs of Evaluation, Marvin C. Alkin (Ed.), Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 98.
“Fundamental Issues in the Costing of Testing Programs.” Chapter in Costs of Evaluation, Marvin C. Alkin (Ed.), Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 98.
“Testing in the Nations Schools and Districts: How Much? What Kind? To What Ends? At What Costs?” (With James Burry, Bruce Choppin, and Donald Dorr-Bremme.) Los Angeles, CA: Center for the Study of Evaluation Report No. 94, 1982.
Economic Analyses: Labor Markets, Choice in Education
“Vocational Potential.” Science,2(6), 10 April, 1987.
“The Emergence of Private Postsecondary Education in the Former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan.” (with Raymond McGhee Jr.). International Higher Education, 5, 1996, 3-5.
“Marketplace Education Revisited.” Business and Economic Review, 40(2), Jan-Mar 1994, 11-16.
“Cost Benefit Analysis and Faculty Productivity in Engineering, Science, and Mathematics teaching.” Chapter in forthcoming book on productivity in higher education based on ongoing work with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) studying reforms of teaching in introductory classes using group projects, peer mentoring, technology, and reduced use of faculty lecturing. Additional contributors include William Massey and Henry M. Levin. (1998)
“California Education Policy for the 21st Century: Betting Heavily on Reduced Class Size.” (with Marilyn Korostoff, Ed. D.). Chapter in California Policy Options, 1997. Los Angeles, CA: California Business Forecast and the UCLA Anderson School of Management. (1997)
"A Cost Effectiveness Model for Assessing Educational Productivity." New Directions for Higher Education, No. 108, fall 1998, 61-84.
“Reflections on Economic Analysis and Education Policy: Introduction.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 19/4 (Winter) 1998, (297-300).
Economic Evaluation of Public Programs (Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985.
“Theory and Practice of Family Choice in Education: Taking Stock.” Economics of Education Review 10(2), 1992.
“Los Angeles Schools and Tomorrow’s Work Force.” Education, 5(5), winter 1990, 18-20.
“Contemporary Reforms and the Equality of Educational Opportunity.” UCLA Journal of Education, 3(2), spring 1989, 27-36.
“Labor Market Experience of Teenagers With and Without High School Diplomas.” (With D. Stern, I. Paik, and Y. Nakata.) Economics of Education Review, 8(3), 1989, 233-246.
“The Supply and Demand for Private Education: Rethinking the Impact of Tuition Tax Credits” (Review Essay). Journal of Education Finance, fall 1987, 205-215.
"School Dropout Statistics.” The Urban Educator, 8(2), Spring/Summer 1987, 23-38.
“The Effect of Alternative School Programs on High School Completion and Labor Market Outcomes.” (With David Stern.) Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,8(1), spring 1986. “America’s Prestige Schools: Bootcamps for Upper-class Survivalists or Academic Citadels?” Review of Education 12(3), 1986.
“Proposition 13: Effects on High School Curricula, 1978-1983.” American Journal of Education, 93(3), May 1985.
“Politics and Aid to Private Schools.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6(4), winter 1985, 435-440.
“Notes on the New Politics of Education.” (With Milbrey W. McLaughlin.) Education and Urban Society, 16(3), May 1984.
“Assessing the Economic Outcomes of Vocational Education.” Studies in Educational Evaluation,10, 1984.
“Private School Participation and Public Policy.” Chapter in Comparing Public and Private Schools, 1. T. James and H. Levin (Eds.), Falmer Press, 1988.
“Public and Private Schools: Evidence on Tuition Tax Credits.” (With Henry Levin.) Sociology of Education, 55, April/July, 1982.
Kappan Special Report, “Some Hypotheses on Voucher Plan’s Failure to Attract Support from Interest Groups.” (With Michael W. Kirst.) Kappan, May 1980.
“Here Comes the Voucher--A Trojan Horse?” California School Boards, March 1979.
“Perspective: A Year on the Finance Treadmill.” California School Boards, March 1979.
“The Politics of Education Reform.” (With Harry Handler.) Chapter in: From the Campus: Perspectives on the School Reform Movement, S. Cohen and L. Solmon (Eds.), New York: Praeger, 1989, pp. 188-201.
“Tuition Tax Credits and Issues of Equity.” Chapter in Public Dollars for Private Schools: The Case of Tuition Tax Credits, Temple University Press, T. James and H. Levin (Eds.), 1983.
“Resource Indicators for Mathematics and Science Indicator Systems” Indicators for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, 1988.
“School Completion and Dropout Measures for Mathematics and Science Indicator Systems.” Indicators for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, 1988.
Additional Publications "Different Ways of Knowing: Evaluation Tool Kit." 1999. Los Angeles, CA: The Galef Institute.
“An Assessment of Student Content Knowledge in Selected Urban Environmental Issues.” Los Angeles, CA: Tree People, Inc. / County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works. April 1997.
“Assessment of the Oak Hill School Curriculum.” Eugene OR: Oak Hill School. 1996.
"Different Ways of Knowing, Report of the Three-Year National Longitudinal Study." Los Angeles, CA: The Galef Institute (1995).
"Different Ways of Knowing. Second Year Report of National Longitudinal Study." Los Angeles, CA: The Galef Institute (1993).
"Different Ways of Knowing. First Year Report of National Longitudinal Study." Los Angeles, CA: The Galef Institute (1992).
"Different Ways of Knowing. 1990-91 Field Test. Summary Report of Program Effects on Teachers and Students." Los Angeles, CA: The Galef Institute (1991).
"Discovering What Schools Really Teach. Designing Improved Coursework Indicators." (With L. McDonnell, L. Burstein, T. Ormseth, and David Moody). Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, 1990.
"Where Excellence and Preparedness Meet: Increased Course Requirements and At-Risk Students." Los Angeles, CA: Center for Research and Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
"Tuition Tax Credits: Fact and Fiction." Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation (Fastback Series), 1983.
“The Linkages Between Policy and Planning: An Exploratory Study.” Anaheim, CA: Orange County Department of Education, 1982.
Published Policy Analyses
An Evaluation of Extended-Year Schooling in the Little Rock Public Schools (pursuant to school desegregation order under Joshua v. LRSD, 2004). Little Rock, AR: Little Rock School District, 2005).
An evaluation of the A+ Arts Program in the Little Rock Public Schools (pursuant to school desegregation order under Joshua v. LRSD, 2004). Little Rock, AR: Little Rock School District, 2006).
“Activities to Plan and Implement the Reporting of School Dropout and Retention Indicators.” Report to the United States Congress, PL 110-297, April 1989.
“Los Angeles Schools and Tomorrow’s Workforce” Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles 2000, 1988. “Social Capital and the Improvement of Instruction.” California Commission on Public School Administration and Leadership. 1988.
“School Reforms and School Dropouts in California: Tracking the Linkages California State Department of Education, 1988. “An Assessment of Audience Needs for School Reform Assessment Information.” United States Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, 1988.
“Testing and Excellence in Education: Some Questions About Costs and Benefits.” (With E. L. Baker and J. L. Herman.) Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Evaluation. CSE Report 288, 1984. James S. Catterall 10 2CV/15 February 9, 2016
The Costs of Instructional Information Systems.” UCLA Center for the Study of Evaluation, Evaluation Systems Project Report, 1982.
“Proposition 13: The Campaign, the Vote, and the Immediate After-effects for California Schools,” with Thomas Thresher, Stanford University, Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance (IFG) Program Report 79-D5, March 1979.
“Tuition Tax Credits for Schools: A Federal Priority for the 1980’s,” IFG Policy Perspective Stanford University, spring 1981.
“Schools in the Aftermath of Proposition 13: Perspectives, Prospects, and the Impertinence of the School Voucher Pundits,” Center for the Study of Educational Policy, Program Report, February, 1979.
“Passing the Baton at the State Department of Education.” Education, 1-2, winter 1983.